A list of relevant, high-quality related publications by the scientists of the Holocene Project
Muehlbauer, A., Keiner, D., Gerhards, C., ... & Breyer, C. (2025) 'Assessment of technologies and economics for carbon dioxide removal from a portfolio perspective', International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 141
Casini, D., Barsali, T., Rizzo, A.M., Chiaramonti, D.: Production and characterization of co-composted biochar and digestate from biomass anaerobic digestion, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2021, 11(6), pp. 2271–2279
Peña-Lévano, L. M., Taheripour, F., & Tyner, W. E. (2019).: Climate change interactions with agriculture, forestry sequestration, and food security. Environmental and Resource Economics, 74, 653-675.
Chepeliev, M., & van der Mensbrugghe, D. (2020). Global fossil-fuel subsidy reform and Paris Agreement. Energy Economics, 85, 104598.
Koder A., Schwanzer P., Zacherl F., Rabl H.P., Mayer W., Gruber G., Dotzer T., Combustion and emission characteristics of a 2.2L common-rail diesel engine fueled with jatropha oil, soybean oil, and diesel fuel at various EGR-rates, Fuel 228, 23–29,(2018).
Chepeliev, M., Osorio-Rodarte, I., & van Der Mensbrugghe, D., Distributional impacts of carbon pricing policies under the Paris Agreement: Inter and intra-regional perspectives. Energy Economics, 102, 105530. (2021)
M. Fasihi, R. Weiss, J. Savolainen, and C. Breyer, „Global potential of green ammonia based on hybrid PV-wind power plants“, Applied Energy, Bd. 294, S. 116170, Juli 2021.
Mirkarimi, S.M.R., Bensaid, S., Negro, V., Chiaramonti, D., Review of methane cracking over carbon-based catalyst for energy and fuels, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023, 187, 113747
Dalheimer, B., Parikoglou, I., Brambach, F., Yanita, M., Kreft, H., & Brümmer, B. (2024). On the palm oil-biodiversity trade-off: Environmental performance of smallholder producers. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 102975.
Schillaci, C., Perego, A., Acutis, M., ...Chiaramonti, D., Jones, A.: Assessing marginality of Camelina (C. sativa L. Crantz) in rotation with barley production in Southern Europe: A modelling approach, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2023, 357, 108677
Premchand, P., Demichelis, F., Chiaramonti, D., Bensaid, S., Fino, D.: Biochar production from slow pyrolysis of biomass under CO2 atmosphere: A review on the effect of CO2 medium on biochar production, characterisation, and environmental applications, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(3), 110009
Chen, J., Chepeliev, M., Garcia-Macia, D., Iakova, D. M., Roaf, J., Shabunina, A., ... & Wingender, P. . EU climate mitigation policy. Departmental Papers, 2020(013).(2020)
Testa, L., Morese, M.M., Miller, C., ...Colangeli, M., Chiaramonti, D.: Bioenergy and nutrition: Positive linkages for the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, WIREs Energy and Environment, 2023
Salimbeni, A., Lombardi, G., Rizzo, A.M., Chiaramonti: Techno-Economic feasibility of integrating biomass slow pyrolysis in an EAF steelmaking site: A case study, D., Applied Energy, 2023, 339, 120991
Panoutsou, C., Giarola, S., Ibrahim, D., ...Salimbeni, A., Chiaramonti, D.: Opportunities for Low Indirect Land Use Biomass for Biofuels in Europe, Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2022, 12(9), 4623
G. Gruber: Pure Jatropha Oil for Power Generation on Floreana Island/Galapagos: Four Years’ Experience on Engine Operation and Fuel Quality, Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 8, May 2014, p. 929-938)
Noussan, M., Negro, V., Prussi, M., Chiaramonti, D.: The potential role of biomethane for the decarbonization of transport: An analysis of 2030 scenarios in Italy, Applied Energy, 2024, 355, 122322
Maniatis, K., Chiaramonti, D., van den Heuvel, E.: Post covid-19 recovery and 2050 climate change targets: Changing the emphasis from promotion of renewables to mandated curtailment of fossil fuels in the eu policies, Energies, 2021, 14(5), 1347
Pena Levano, L. M., Taheripour, F., & Tyner, W. (2015). Development of the GTAP land use data base for 2011 (No. 4844). Center for Global Trade Analysis, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University.
Chiaramonti, D., Talluri, G., Vourliotakis, G., ...Prussi, M., Scarlat, N.: Can lower carbon aviation fuels (Lcaf) really complement sustainable aviation fuel (saf) towards eu aviation decarbonization?, Energies, 2021, 14(19), 6430
Salimbeni, A., Di Bianca, M., Lombardi, G., Rizzo, A.M., Chiaramonti, D.: Opportunities of Integrating Slow Pyrolysis and Chemical Leaching for Extraction of Critical Raw Materials from Sewage Sludge, Water (Switzerland), 2023, 15(6), 1060
Fritsche, U., Brunori, G., Chiaramonti, D., ...Matthews, R., Panoutsou, C.: Bioeconomy Opportunities for a Green Recovery and Enhanced System Resilience, Industrial Biotechnology, 2021, 17(3), pp. 134–150
Galanakis, C.M., Brunori, G., Chiaramonti, D., ...Panoutsou, C., Fritsche, U.R.: Bioeconomy and green recovery in a post-COVID-19 era, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 808, 152180
Prussi, M., Chiaramonti, D.: Alternative fuels for hard-to-abate sectors: A carbon intensity assessment, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022, 2385(1), 012044
Gruber G. Dalheimer B. : Energy Storage And Balancing Power For 100% Renewable Energy Hybrid Systems: The Potential Of Jatropha For Rural Electrification In Hot Semi-Arid Areas, in: Proceedings of 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen May 2018
Lopez Barrera, E., & Hertel, T. (2023). Solutions to the double burden of malnutrition also generate health and environmental benefits. Nature Food, 4(7), 616-624.
Chiaramonti, D., Talluri, G., Scarlat, N., Prussi, M.: The challenge of forecasting the role of biofuel in EU transport decarbonisation at 2050: A meta-analysis review of published scenarios, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 139, 110715
Galanakis, C.M., Brunori, G., Chiaramonti, D., ...Panoutsou, C., Fritsche, U.R: Bioeconomy and green recovery in a post-COVID-19 era, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 808, 152180
Linow, Sven et al. (2022) ‘Kurzimpuls – Perspektiven auf negative CO₂-Emissionen’. ZENODO 2022.
Tremmel, J. et al. (2023) ‘Negative Emissionen: Eine neue Phase der Klimapolitik zur langfristigen Reduktion der globalen Erwärmung auf 1°C über vorindustriellen Niveau, ZENEDO 2024.
Gruber Georg, Fell Hans-Josef: Das von Teilen der Bundesregierung geplante Ende der Biokraftstoffproduktion schadet dem Regenwald und der Sicherung von Energie und Nahrung, Politikpapier Energy Watch Group, Berlin, Mai 2022